Tea on the Way outing

Tea on the Way outing

This is a trip which brings together one of our favourite local charities – the Jayne Sargent Foundation – with one of our favourite local destinations – the Tea on the Way tearooms at Clun.The charity supports those affected by cancer, whether as...
Little dresses for Africa

Little dresses for Africa

It’s always really satisfying to be able to collaborate with other community groups to deliver outcomes that we could not achieve on our own. Earlier this year we gave a small donation to The Gorge Craft Group to help them to buy material for making dresses to...
The Model goes to school

The Model goes to school

Lion President Jim Philbin has always had the idea that his Iron Bridge model might support some educational activity about the Bridge itself and on 16th he got the chance to take it on its first school trip – to  Newdale Primary School. Year 2 students from ...
Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle

Wouldn’t it be good if there was a simple service to enable the emergency services to access critical personal and medical information in the event of an emergency in your home? Well there is – it’s called “Message in a bottle” and it’s provided free of...
Handover 2018

Handover 2018

1st July is the start of the Lions year and the point at which the new leadership teams take over at all levels in the organisation. The Ironbridge club marked the handover this year with a dinner held at the Coalbrookdale Community hall on Saturday evening 30th June...