An Evening with Phil Wilson

An Evening with Phil Wilson

An interesting evening organised by Lion John Boydell at the Boat Inn. Phil Wilson, a well known Ironbridge resident, gave an illustrated talk on a life and career which has included engineer, deepsea salvage diver/underwater welder, pilot, heavy horse supremo,...
Co-op local cause

Co-op local cause

The club discovered in February 2019 that it had been selected several months earlier as one of Stirchley Co-op’s local causes for the year. The Co-op gives 1% of what members spend on Co-op branded food products in their stores, as well as money raised from...
Charter 2019

Charter 2019

With this year’s President Jim Philbin hailing from Fife, there was a very clear Caledonian theme to our 2019 Charter held on 3rd March at the Valley Hotel in Ironbridge. Over 80 people, our best attendance for some years, enjoyed an excellent meal which included a...
Donation to the MS Therapy unit

Donation to the MS Therapy unit

One of our Silver over the Bridge events at the back end of the 2018 season was dedicated to the Wolverhampton MS Therapy unit, one of our favourite local charities. It has taken some time to organise a presentation session but President Jim Philbin recently presented...
Santa’s very special visit

Santa’s very special visit

Once in a while, as Lions we get an opportunity to make dreams come true; just before Christmas we heard from Steph, grandmother of 6-year-old Beau who is currently undergoing chemotherapy at Princess Royal hospital. Beau was desperate to see Santa but the risk of...