AGM 12 APRIL 2018


As at the end of March 2018 our total membership stood at 16. Of these 2 are Affiliate members and the remainder are Regular Members including one who is currently “At Large”. The average age of our membership currently stands at 73.

2017/18 has not been the best of years on the membership front. On the positive side of the membership balance sheet we gained Jim Philbin who came to us with a wealth of experience within Lions and with considerable enthusiasm for new activity and for growing the club. But on the negative side of the sheet we lost two members – Elaine Bradburn and Mavis Derham – and June Softley, our Secretary, decided to take a break from active participation by going “at large”. As such she remains within our club membership but is not required to attend meetings.

As in previous years, the Friends of the club provide one of the most positive aspects of the overall membership picture, both in terms of their numbers and the enormous contribution that they make to our fundraising and other activities. Several new Friends joined the group during the year and the total number now stands at 20.

Looking ahead, it is clearly vital that we recruit new members – ideally including some from a younger age group. That will not be easy, but it should not be impossible. There is enormous respect and admiration for the club within our community and prostate testing has increased considerably the public awareness of the contribution that we make.  I’m sure that Jim Philbin will be able to capitalise on this as he takes over the responsibility for Membership in the coming year and that the report to the nest AGM will carry more positive news on the membership front.

Colin Thompson

Membership Director

2nd April 2018