Hello Colin,

June Softley has passed your contact address to me for the Ironbridge Lions, so I hope you don’t mind me getting in touch. I’m actually thinking about this years Green Day event which is on Sunday 16 September and runs from 1-4pm. The event is held on Madeley Park (off Legges Way, Madeley). We wondered if the lovely people from Ironbridge Lions would like to join our September event, it would be great to have you there. We should like to invite you to provide one or more of the following: · Exhibition · Demonstration · Information Point · Activity to promote your organisation at our community event. The event is held at Madeley Park, which is located off Legges Way, Madeley, Telford, on Sunday 16th September 2018 from 1pm-4pm. It is a well-attended fun-filled family day with the emphasis being on nature, wildlife, health and the environment. The aim is to provide educational information, displays a main event show and also hands-on activities for children/families (free where possible). If you have availability and would like to attend, please complete and return the enclosed booking form as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you require further information please contact me at the above address. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,
