by | Mar 18, 2018 | Front page news
On occasional Summer Sundays For the past 35 years, ironbridge Lions have been laying strips of parcel tape across the Iron Bridge and inviting passing visitors to lay down their spare coins. Over the years this has raised many thousands of pounds for a whole host of...
by | Mar 16, 2018 | Front page news
Lion President Charlie Miller was on parade recently at Attingham Park where he was presenting a cheque for £200 to help with the purchase of new pond dipping nets. Jodie Furniss (right) and Nes Thompson from the Family and Schools group at Attingham have around 6000...
by | Feb 17, 2018 | Front page news
When it comes to responding to major disasters, the Lions international membership network gives it a significant advantage over most of the other agencies. As members of Lions Clubs International, we have a global network of 1.4 million volunteers. When a...
by | Feb 17, 2018 | Front page news
One of our favourite outings of 2017 was this September trip with a group from the Jayne Sargent Foundation – a local charity supporting those affected by cancer. The group travelled on the Broseley Friendly Bus to “Tea on the Way”, a superb cafe...
by | Feb 17, 2018 | Front page news
“The Anstice Memorial Hall, once home to the oldest working men’s club in England is set to return to it’s former central position within the community thanks to the efforts of the Anstice Charitable Trust. Ironbridge Lions are keen to support those efforts and...
by | Feb 17, 2018 | Front page news
Ironbridge Lions and Rotary clubs will be joining forces once again in March to provide free prostate testing for men over the age of 50. A total of 420 men were tested at the first of these sessions held in March 2017 and it is hoped to be able to increase this to...
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