by | Jul 5, 2018 | Front page news
1st July is the start of the Lions year and the point at which the new leadership teams take over at all levels in the organisation. The Ironbridge club marked the handover this year with a dinner held at the Coalbrookdale Community hall on Saturday evening 30th June...
by | Jul 5, 2018 | Front page news
Our new President with the special Leaders hat provided by his wife Kay
by | Jul 5, 2018 | Front page news
This award is always announced at the handover event and is intended to recognise particular contribution to the club over the past year. This year’s award was made by John Marsh, President in 2016/17, to Club Secretary Colin Thompson for a contribution which included...
by | May 25, 2018 | Front page news
Ironbridge Lions have gone “Quackers”! The “Let’s go Quackers” project is the idea of Julie Ward and it involves placing 10 giant ducks, decorated by local artists, at various positions in Ironbridge for 6 weeks from 5th May and subsequently at Southwater...
by | May 25, 2018 | Front page news
An interesting Zone social event organised by the Bridgnorth Lions club, to the Drakelow tunnels, a former Top Secret underground military complex beneath Kingsford Country Park north of Kidderminster. The tunnels were built between 1941-1942 as a Shadow Factory for...
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