Co-op Local Cause

Co-op Local Cause

The club discovered recently that it had been selected several months ago as one of Stirchley Co-op’s local causes for this year. The Co-op gives 1% of what members spend on Co-op branded food products in their stores, as well as money raised from sales of...
Charter 2019

Charter 2019

With this year’s President Jim Philbin hailing from Fife, there was a very clear Caledonian theme to our 2019 Charter held on 3rd March at the Valley Hotel in Ironbridge. Over 80 people, our best attendance for some years, enjoyed an excellent meal which included a...

Third Annual prostate Screening Session

 For the third year running free prostate screening is to be available to men over the age of 50.  The testing session is to be held at the Abraham Darby Academy Madeley and, as in the two previous years, it is being organised and funded by a partnership of the...
Donation to the MS Therapy unit

Donation to the MS Therapy unit

One of our Silver over the Bridge events at the back end of the 2018 season was dedicated to the Wolverhampton MS Therapy unit, one of our favourite local charities. It has taken some time to organise a presentation session but President Jim Philbin recently presented...
Jim Groves memorial Garden

Jim Groves memorial Garden

When the Ironbridge Lions club was formed 40 years ago, Jim Groves was one of the founder members and he remained in membership until he sadly died last year. To mark the importance of that relationship in Jim’s life his daughter Mandy kindly nominated the club to...