Ironbridge & Severn Gorge Lions Club

Interim Balance Sheet 10th April 2018 (AGM)


Administration Account (No:-60196789)


Opening Balance                £2182.51          Membership & Capitation         £1140.46

Subscriptions/Dues             £975.55            Presidents Bursary                     £905.00

                                                                      (+transfer to Charity Account)             

Soccer Special                     £161.80             Social Expenses                         £1482.95

Tail Twister                         £197.26              Club Purchases/postage             £1179.14                                                           Handover/Charter/Social   £1746.35

 Donations/Sundry Income £512.48              Closing Balance                                   £1067.93                                                                                

                                            £5775.48                                                               £5775.48



This statement is prepared from records and information supplied by the treasurer

of Ironbridge and Severn Gorge Lions Club


Verified by:-……………………………………………………………………………….



