Membership report 2017/18

IRONBRIDGE AND SEVERN GORGE LIONS AGM 12 APRIL 2018 MEMBERSHIP REPORT As at the end of March 2018 our total membership stood at 16. Of these 2 are Affiliate members and the remainder are Regular Members including one who is currently “At Large”. The average age of our...

Secretary’s Report 2017/18

                                         IRONBRIDGE AND SEVERN GORGE LIONS                                                         AGM 12 APRIL 2018                                                     SECRETARY’S REPORT I would be remiss if I did not start this brief...

Presidents report 2017/18

IRONBRIDGE & SEVERN GORGE LIONS -LION PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2017/18   It has been a great honour and education to be the Club’s Lion President, as the Lions celebrate their 100th Anniversary.   Fundraising – As can be seen from the Jim Philbin’s Fundraising...
Sporteering Challenge

Sporteering Challenge

A new activity – Ironbridge Lions Sporteering Challenges. These are organised by the club essentially as a community activity although we hope that they might encourage people to donate towards our prostate testing funds. The challenges run on the Sporteering mobile...