Lions join with Rotary to sponsor prostate testing
Free Prostate testing for Men Over 50
Free prostate cancer screening testing is to be provided for men over the age of 50 at an open session in Jubilee House Madeley on Monday 13th March 2017. The testing is organised and funded by a partnership of the Ironbridge Lions and Rotary Clubs with support from the National Lottery. The testing involves a very simple blood test designed to identify the level of the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). It is administered by a trained medical team under the supervision of retired Consultant Urological Surgeon, Mr David Baxter-Smith. The blood samples are then sent away for analysis and the results are communicated by letter with advice about any follow-up action considered appropriate.
The testing is programme which has the enthusiastic support of local boxing hero Richie
Woodall is intended to cover men over the age of 50 (over 40 for those with a family history of prostate cancer or over 45 for those from an ethnic background known to have a higher risk – see here for more information). It is provided free of charge although there will be an opportunity to make a donation for those who wish to do so. No appointment is necessary – just turn up at Jubilee House, 74 High Street Madeley, TF7 5AH between 6 and 8 pm on 13th March. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries or need further information.
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